Due to directives from the GAA (as per Irish Government) and the UK government, all of our club social and fundraising events were unable to take place this year.
This included both of the Parnells Golf Days and we have rescheduled both for 28th May 2021, Mill Hill for the Mens section and mid September 2021 for the Youth section (date and venue tbc).
Also effected was the Annual Dinner Dance. At the moment the rescheduled date at The Hilton, Wembley is the 13.3.2021. However, if current lockdown guidelines remain the same, large gatherings will not be able to take place, so we are keeping an eye on the situation.
More details to follow assuming events like this can go ahead. The health and well being of our members and families are the most important factors and any decision taken will have this in mind.